Steel Tech Land-based aquaculture

Steel Tech Land-based aquaculture

Steel Tech Land-based aquaculture Complete delivery of equipment and facility for onshore fish farming This picture is an overview of what Bjørdal can deliver to your project. Products: Integration and 3D design of the delivery to ensure interface is taken care of and...
Sorting line with vaccination station

Sorting line with vaccination station

Sorting line with vaccination station This system is built on a range of standard Steel Tech™ products that is integrated into available space in your production area: Steel Tech Sorting Machine 6 / 10 or 15 lanes for fish 5 – 250 grams Steel Tech Supply tank...
Water separator & fish counter

Water separator & fish counter

Water separator & fish counter The Steel Tech water separator and fish counter is a mandatory solution for transfer of smolt/fish from one location to another. The Steel Tech water separator are available in different dimensions, either from a selection of standards...
Water filtration system

Water filtration system

Water filtration system Water treatment plant The Steel Tech water filtration system is a filter unit designed for each project. The main purpose is to remove feces and excessive fishfeed from the water according Norwegian Fish Health authorities, but is also used to...
Fry handling tank system

Fry handling tank system

Fry handling tank system The Steel Tech Fish Fry handling system is an integrated tank and pump system particularly designed for handling and transportation of fry from the hatchery to the start feed tanks. The unique system allows careful handling and reduces the...